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! お知らせ: Nov 29, 2024 注文処理に要する平均日数: 10営業日 >> 日々の更新や納期に関する詳細 >>  SAZEN TEA ご注文に関連する最新情報

高資朱泥急須 大


高資朱泥急須 大 高資朱泥急須 大 高資朱泥急須 大 高資朱泥急須 大 高資朱泥急須 大 高資朱泥急須 大
Best Price

常滑焼 高資陶苑の急須です。


☆ ハンドメイド製品 - 作家により一つ一つ手造りされているものになりますので、在庫の商品は上に表示されている写真のものと同じものではありませんのでご注意ください。 それぞれの作品は手造りのため、少しずつ趣が異なります。 サイズ、容量、外観にご不明な点がございましたら、お気軽にお問い合わせください。在庫商品の写真または正確な詳細をお知らせします。

5.0 つ星中5つ星 (4)



品番: TDK119

製造者: 常滑焼

原産国: 日本

材質: 陶器

容量: 250 ml (± 20 ml; 満水時)

寸法: ø10 x H:8 cm


ご質問等ございましたら、お気 軽に お問い合わせ下さい。



Je******, 2021-06-30 05:54 JST, アメリカ合衆国

"Large" teapot is perfect for brewing two cups of tea. Beautiful to look at and performs exactly as you would want it to. Built in filer works great but please note it will let some very small particles through, not that it matters though. Highly recommended as long as you realize this will be for 2 cups of tea at a time. I then steeped another two cups using the same leaves and it was also excellent!

役に立ちましたか? (4)

Ta******, 2020-10-30 09:54 JST, カナダ

I have very many kyusu, but I know that this one will soon be one of my favourites since its nice and lightweight, and with a nice practical volume for serving me and my husband some japanese greens.

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Ol******, 2020-08-14 20:41 JST, カナダ

This teapot was gifted to me as a birthday gift. I could not be happier with it. The order took a mere 6 days to arrive from Japan to Canada. The teapot itself is a work of art. The elegant red clay catches the light and makes brewing tea a mesmerizing sight. The integrated mesh grid retains the tea, yet still offers a consistant pour. The pot brews enough for 2 cups (60mL each). Put the loose tea and water to the pot, admire it for 30s and pour in cups to enjoy! Take the time to smell and admire the gold hued beverage in your cup and appreciate the moment and the company.

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Ar******, 2018-05-12 22:41 JST, アメリカ合衆国

One of the finest pieces of pottery I own! It pours tea smoothly without any leaking, and the clay mesh is fine enough to prevent larger leaves from entering your cup. I'm using it just for myself, and the size is perfect for the amount of tea I will typically enjoy in one sitting. It is, however, very delicate, so be gentle with it while cleaning. I've been using an old soft toothbrush to clean out any smaller bits of tea that get stuck in the mesh.

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