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宇治の茶問屋、芳香園 薄茶 永楽

永楽 永楽

永楽は、軽くてさわやかな抹茶で大変心地よく、仕上がりはややクリーミーです。 シンプルかつピュアな味わいで、毎日お楽しみいただく抹茶として最適です。 水温が低いと苦味と酸味がでるため、摂氏85度近くのお湯で点てていただくことをお勧めします。 寿令に比べて、マイルドで軽い味わいです。

※ 袋(バルク)入りのものにつきましては、賞味期限(メーカー指定)が3ヶ月になりますので、ご注意ください。

「永楽」とは、きわめて長く続く楽しみという意味を持っ ています。
「永」という漢字は、永遠の「永」であり、長く続く、限りなく、いつまでも、という意味を持ち、「楽」 は、心身に苦しみや苦労がなく、安らかでたのしいこと、快いことをいいます。


Nutrition information

Best Sellers

4.0 つ星中5つ星 (11)



品番: MKH008

製造者: 芳香園

原産国: 日本、京都

原材料: 緑茶

賞味期限: 2025年 10月





ご質問等ございましたら、お気 軽に お問い合わせ下さい。



Ma******, 2025-02-07 17:36 JST, バーレーン

The color is so greeny the taste is so obvious

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Fu******, 2025-02-03 20:30 JST, ドイツ

Not worthy of the Top Three Scoring. Really bad taste and quality.

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Sh******, 2025-02-02 17:32 JST, アラブ首長国連邦

I didnt like it at all, has bitterness and is not good quality matcha.

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Je******, 2025-01-07 01:04 JST, カナダ

The taste of that matcha is pretty light. It's very smooth, vegetal and little to no astringency in my opinion. It's not umami or bitter at all. It's good as usucha and lattes, but the tastes lowers in soy milk (it's still pretty good). I'd give it a 6/10 because I prefer stronger matcha, but it's overall a good matcha. It froths nicely and has a very vibrant color. It's an entry level matcha and the price is super reasonable.

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Mi******, 2024-12-26 17:56 JST, アメリカ合衆国

the matcha is smooth and a lil umami, its very light so I do big scoops to get more matcha taste I would recommend this for beginners

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Ma******, 2024-12-03 07:58 JST, カナダ

Update: It's fine as usucha, and it's quite creamy, not bitter, with a flavor that reminds me a bit of spinach. However it's not that good with lattes. The flavor is extremely mild after mixing it with milk. Adding more powder just has it taste like leafy vegetable juice mixed in with milk. But I can't fault the description since it's quite accurate. The color is also very vibrant.

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コメント (2) ▼

Co******, 2024-12-17 08:34 JST, アメリカ合衆国

The powder smells strongly vegetal but tastes more like dark chocolate when mixed with oatmilk and sweetener in a latte.

Ma******, 2024-12-19 16:10 JST, カナダ

maybe this matcha just isn't for me- i almost exclusively use oat milk (it was the first one i tried with this matcha) and couldn't get much of the matcha flavour i usually look for, still kind of tasting like vegetable juice to me. i also tried cashew milk and dairy, and didn't like that as much either. ive enjoyed it a lot more as usucha though or just iced with a bit of sweetener. ive also tried it with soda water and thought that was pretty nice as well.

Ma******, 2024-11-21 18:34 JST, カナダ

Very creamy and not very bitter. Really liked it as usucha, but I recommend to add a bit more powder than normal if you want to use it for lattes since the flavor isn't too strong.

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At******, 2023-05-15 20:00 JST, ハンガリー

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Da******, 2023-04-07 07:01 JST, アメリカ合衆国

Very good for the price, I liked this more than some more expensive matches. The creaminess will come out if you find the right temperature. Foams nicely with no clumping!

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Ps******, 2022-11-25 20:54 JST, アメリカ合衆国

very nice overall flavor with medium length finish. Every day good priced matcha

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Da******, 2018-07-20 05:43 JST, アメリカ合衆国

Fantastic usucha. Smooth with no bitterness. I could drink several bowls of this stuff. Great way to relax.

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