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! お知らせ: Nov 05, 2024 注文処理に要する平均日数: 12営業日 >> 日々の更新や納期に関する詳細 >>  SAZEN TEA ご注文に関連する最新情報

新茶 抹茶

碧翆園 新抹茶 2024

新茶 抹茶 新茶 抹茶 新茶 抹茶 新茶 抹茶 新茶 抹茶



Nutrition information

4.0 つ星中5つ星 (5)



品番: MTG017

製造者: 碧翆園

原産国: 日本、京都

原材料: 緑茶

賞味期限: 2025年 5月


ご質問等ございましたら、お気 軽に お問い合わせ下さい。


STEP 1) 抹茶4g(小さじ2または茶杓4杯)を適当な抹茶碗に入れます。
STEP 2) 80℃の水30mlを注ぐ。
STEP 3) ダマがなくなるまで茶筌で軽くこねる。

STEP 1) 抹茶2g(小さじ1または茶杓2杯)を適当な抹茶碗に入れます。
STEP 2) 80℃の水70mlを注ぎます。
STEP 3) 茶筌を使って滑らかになるまで泡立てる。



アニ******, 2023-05-29 10:44 JST, 日本

Very pleasant, full-bodied matcha. I experimented with the temperature a little. With 85+ degrees water, it is sweet and completely free of any tartness. There is some mild astringency with lower, 75 degrees water, but the tea is extra nutty and very creamy, which is a big plus for me. Highly recommended!

役に立ちましたか? (12)

アニ******, 2023-05-26 14:28 JST, 日本

役に立ちましたか? (3)

コメント (1) ▼

アニ******, 2023-05-29 10:40 JST, 日本

Very pleasant, full-bodied matcha. I experimented with the temperature a little. With 85+ degrees water, it is sweet and completely free of any tartness. There is some mild astringency with lower, 75 degrees water, but the tea is extra nutty and very creamy which is a big plus for me. Highly recommended!

Jo******, 2023-05-26 04:14 JST, アメリカ合衆国

I was pretty disappointed with this one. As a disclaimer, it does much better at higher water temps, around 85°C, below this and it gains a bitterness in the back of the palate that takes over the taste and lingers longer than it should. At higher temps, this bitterness fades but so does the taste. There IS a slight snappy green taste reminiscent of grass and snap peas and it's juxtaposed well by a taste of farm fresh greens that lingers near the front of the tongue, but there's a medicinal bitterness that sits at the back of the throat regardless how it is brewed that takes over and masks this taste. It's just at higher temps, it's more tolerable. This is a matcha I've spent many bowls trying to chase a certain "sweet spot" of flavor that tastes like it SHOULD be there, but it never comes to fruition.

役に立ちましたか? (3)

Co******, 2021-10-15 10:41 JST, アメリカ合衆国

Not bad but a little less exciting than I expected. The flavor did not have a lot of depth and it was slightly bitter.

役に立ちましたか? (5)

An******, 2021-09-01 22:11 JST, イタリア

This Shincha Matcha is a delight! Light, creamy, sweet, fresh and umami, makes a great usucha, especially with cold water in summer. I bought it for curiosity, now I can't wait to drink it again!

役に立ちましたか? (2)


